EMsafe Upgrades - Feb 2014

Monday, 24 February 2014

This week the EMsafe Member Area is being upgraded and you will notice changes when logged into the system.

What is changing?

The main changes to the system are as follows:

Search and sort functions have been added to every system module

►The Risk Assessment module has been renamed Risk & Task Manager and is the location for all items requiring further "Actions" e.g. activities following completion of workplace inspections, self audits, and hazard & incident reports

►The list of items in the new Risk & Task Manager are now prioritised by completion status, and shown by the colours:

RED - overdue (urgent) items
AMBER - incomplete items
GREEN - completed items

►The ability to enter multiple actions and completion dates to address individual risks or tasks has been built into the Risk & Task Manager

►The My WHS History module has been expanded to include data from all modules and is now exportable in .pdf format and Excel®

►The Hazard & Incident Report module has been adjusted to show more meaningful data in the summary view

Members will also be advised of the above via email communication.

When will the upgrades be completed?

Upgrades are expected to be completed by Monday 3rd March, 2014.

Will my existing EMsafe account and data be retained?

Yes - your login details remain the same and your existing data is all retained in the same modules.

Will EMsafe still work whilst the upgrades are being completed?

Access to the current version of EMsafe may be temporarily affected whilst upgrades to the above modules are being completed. We apologise for this inconvenience, however once upgrades are completed full functionality will be restored.

What should I do if have any problems or need further information?

If you experience any difficulties with using EMsafe or have any other queries please contact mutualbenefits@eml.com.au.