EMsafe upgrades

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Upgrades to EMsafe

Upgrades to EMsafe are currently being undertaken to improve functionality, layout and content of the modules. These are being completed as part of a continuous improvement program for EMsafe. Changes have also been made in accordance with the introduction of the WHS Act 2012 and WHS Regulation 2012 in South Australia, effective 1st January 2013, and the launch of EMsafe for Employers Mutual Members in South Australia.

Read on to find out which improvements have already been made.

Changes have been made to the Incident Report module; the layout of the form has been improved, reports can be downloaded as a PDF and tasks will now send out email reminders when they become overdue.

The Hazardous Substances Register no longer has a restriction of 5 substances per register. Substances can be entered individually and then sorted by the name, location etc.

The "Welcome to EMsafe" message content on the Home page has been updated to incorporate references for South Australian members and WHS legislation.

Links on the EMsafe Home page have been updated.

The Terms of Use & Disclaimer now has the functionality and requirement to accept Terms of Use & Disclaimer at initial login in order to access EMsafe.

The sequencing and content of FAQs has been updated.

Changes have also been made to content and link in Other WHS Resources as follows:

* Generic WHS Policy & Procedures Manual - content and references modified

* "NSW WHS Legislation & Codes of Practice" changed to "NSW & SA Legislation and other requirements" and links updated

* WHS Management System Plan - content updated

* References - links updated

* Workers Compensation and RTW changed to "Injury Management, Workers Compensation & Return to Work" and links updated

* Standard Forms: Content and layout updated.

Upgrades are also planned for the Risk Assessment, Training, Induction and First Aid functions and we will keep you updated as these occur.

The upgrades should not cause any disruption to use of the system or loss of any data.

Please contact us at mutualbenefits@eml.com.au if you have any questions or further suggestions as to how we can continue to improve EMsafe.