Safe Work Australia: Workplace Bullying Guides Now Available
Safe Work Australia have published Workplace Bullying Guides.
Workplace bullying is a work health and safety risk and can happen in many different situations in any workplace.
Safe Work Australia have now published guides to support Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU's) and Workers to better understand, prevent and respond to workplace bullying. The guides are and can be found at:
- Guide for Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying
This Guide provides information for persons conducting a business or undertaking on how to manage the risks of workplace bullying as part of meeting their duties under the work health and safety laws.
You can find this guide at:
Guide for preventing and responding to workplace bullying (
- Dealing with Workplace Bullying - A Workers Guide
This guide may help workers determine if workplace bullying is occurring and how the matter may be resolved. It provides information for workers who believe they may be experiencing or witnessing workplace bullying and those who have had a bullying report made against them.
You can find this guide at:
Dealing with workplace bullying - a worker's guide (